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Since my dog is on a raw diet, I like making these treats as a way of providing him with some extra healthy, satisfying fats. But I DON’T like worrying about strange additives or troublesome recalls and that’s why everything my dog eats is homemade.
Coconut oil has been proven to support cognitive function, plain yogurt is an excellent source of probiotics and peanut butter remains an irresistible way of delivering treats that are packed with much needed nutrients. And if you’re looking for a fast, easy way to hide a dog’s pill, this will do it.

These treats are really easy, economical and loved by dogs. Give it a try and get creative. You can watch the video or my recipe is posted below.
Video Version – 3 Ingredient No Bake Dog Treats
3 Ingredient No Bake Dog Treats Ingredients
Written Recipe
I use one cup of each. But you can make a smaller batch by using equal parts of:
- Organic Cold Pressed, Virgin Coconut Oil (product link)
- 100% Pure Peanut Butter (no preservatives or hydrogenated oils and NO XYLITOL. – Read about Dangerous Brand Peanut Butter for Dogs
- Plain Yogurt
- (Optional)- Banana Chips, Berries, Chick Peas, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds.
Time needed: 30 minutes.
Preparing 3 Ingredient No Bake Dog Treats
- Start with Melted Coconut Oil
Pour the melted coconut oil into a medium sized bowl.
- Add Peanut Butter to Coconut Oil
Using a whisk or spoon, gently add the peanut butter to the melted coconut oil and blend thoroughly.
- Add Yogurt
Now add the cold yogurt to the coconut oil/peanut butter blend and whisk or stir quickly and thoroughly. The mixture will begin to thicken as the cold yogurt solidifies the coconut oil.
- Let Sit 5-10 Minutes
You’re looking for a stiff mixture that resembles cookie dough or solid coconut oil. If it’s not solidifying, stick it in the fridge.
- Line a Baking Sheet with Parchment or Wax Paper
Make sure the baking sheet will fit into your freezer.
- Form the Treats
Use a small ice cream scoop or drop by teaspoonfuls onto the lined baking sheet.
- Add Optional Ingredients
If you want to add a berry or banana chip or any other tasty, dog friendly treat, do it now. Gently press it into the treat.
- Flash Freeze
Put the baking sheet into the freezer for 10 minutes.
- Store
Transfer these to a container with a lid and keep them in the refrigerator.
- Feed
I give my dog 1 treat per day.
That’s it! This recipe serves as an excellent base and you can add all kinds of good, nutritious food and even hide pills!
If you’re interested in learning more about my dog’s raw diet, I made a guide specifically for beginners. Raw Dog Diet: Information for Beginners
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